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Spring Organizing Tips with Barbara Reich

By March 09, 2012 ,

Like many of you, at the start of the year I resolved to clean up clutter and get organized. But that's always easier said then done right?

I first met Barbara Reich, professional organizer, during her Organizing & Travel Tips event.

I really learned a lot during that first meeting, so I was excited to be invited to her home to learn some spring cleaning and home organization tips.

Barbara was nice enough to share how she organized her home and family items. As she pointed out how she organized each room, she shared the importance of forming some good habits that streamline your everyday life.

These good habits not only keep your space organized, but also help you stay focused in the long-term.

Simple Tips for a De-cluttered

  1. In with the new and out with the old applies to everything, including your underwear drawer. Anything ripped or saggy goes straight in the trash. Have a few flirty pieces you’ve been shying away from putting on? Keep your sassiest lingerie near the front of your drawer – the more you see them, the braver you’ll get and be more likely to wear them.

  2. Throw out any and all pens or markers that are out of ink. If you have kids, make it a game for them to hunt down and test out the goods. Once you’ve grouped the still-functioning writing tools together, you’ll likely find that you DON'T need to add a 15th black ballpoint pen to your stockpile anytime soon.

  3. Does the inside of your medicine cabinet give you as much of a fright as a haunted house? Take a deep breath and throw out everything that has loitered around long past its expiration date. A clutter-free cabinet can actually be a significant de-stressor and leave you looking more luminous and relaxed.

  4. Audit your electronics. Loose wires, old chargers and extra remotes do not make for lovely “objets d'art.” Chuck with bravado.

  5. Clean out your fridge and pantry. Expired goods, crusty-almost-done jelly jars, any old food item should all head straight for the trash. All that sorting and tossing will make your kitchen look a lot leaner.

  6. Bid adieu to all of your mismatched socks. If a sock’s other half hasn’t made an appearance yet, it’s time to realize it’s gone for good.

  7. Have a pet? It doesn't need 10 leashes, 20 chew toys and 15 bones to gnaw on. Throw away any toys and accessories that are frayed or falling apart, and toss the bones that are all eaten away! Buy 1 chewy toy and 1 bone at a time - once they’ve been worn out, then buy new ones.

  8. Holding on to comforters and quilts that make your bed look and feel "seasonal," yet find yourself buying a new set every spring, summer, fall and winter anyway? Don't feel compelled to buy a new comforter every season. Have a designated closet where you keep your winter bedding wrapped in protective storing material when alternating your bedding for spring. If you’re absolutely certain you won’t want to snuggle under that quilt ever again, then toss it, or better yet, if it’s still in good condition, donate it.

For more information, visit - www.resourcefulconsultants.com

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