Being a Skillful Life Sailor
This morning I woke up, looked at the clock, saw I slept later then I wanted and let out a weary groan. There's only one day left to the weekend and a few days left before Thanksgiving and the holiday madness to the end of the year.
There's still LOTS to do all around.
originally written on November 20, 2011
“Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” ~ African proverb
As I sat in bed thinking how best to organize my day and get the most done, I thought to myself...why can't things be easy sometimes.
It would nice not to have to juggle, rush or push past the limit to get things done. If thing were nice and easy how much better my life would be. Maybe
The truth is life in general is not hard. We live, we do and we learn. This is the same for all of us. Some learn easier then other, some learn better then others but we all learn. So living life in a sense IS easy.
But HOW we live our lives is the hard part. There are many areas in my life where I can simplify. I don't need to be involved in some projects, have so many websites, try to be a full-time working mom who never misses her son's school events. But then is that how I want to live my life?
Like everyone else I want to be successful in life. While my standard of success is different from others, it's still an important goal. Reaching my goal means sailing on my life's rough sea's sometimes. Sometimes things in life just won't be easy.
On those days I need to suit up and prepare to "set sail" into my life. No matter smooth or rough, I have to live my life. In the process I hope it makes me a better women and mother. I hope.